self-Renewal Andean Retreats
411 Three Oaks Drive, Gore, VA 22637
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August 24-25, 2024
Grounding in Gratitude Through Nature
Join us in this unique event to reconnect and rediscover our spiritual and cultural bond with Mother Nature. Following the core principles of the Andean/Inka Cosmology, we will connect with ancestral wisdom, traditions, and values that have been passed down through generations and are rooted in a deep connection to the land. This journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal would allow us to embrace the primal and elemental aspects of existence, fostering a sense of self-love, belonging, and harmony with the Earth and her healing powers.
The retreat will take place at a majestic recreational facility located at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. At the retreat, you will:
Restore inner balance to cultivate self-love
Connecting with the 4 elements for total wellbeing
Sacred Ayni (reciprocity) & Ayllu (community)
Learning to co-create with living energies
Hands-on learning techniques so you can put your intuitive insights into practice
Despacho ceremony - Ceremony of harmonization with all that is
Limited availability of private accommodations:
3 Rustic bungalows, each with a full bed (first-come first-served)*
$ 290
Shared Group Dorms:
2 Dorm rooms in the lodge with multiple bunk bed*
$ 220
Bring your own gear
* Does not include meals (you bring your food and can use the kitchen, refrigerator, and oven/microwave to heat/cook). Includes hot drinks.
* Shared Bathrooms in Lodge
* Please make your reservation and payment by August 15, 2024.
Overview Weekend Agenda
Day 1
Welcome, and overview of the agenda for the day.
Land acknowledgment and honoring ancient keepers of wisdom that inhabited the Blue Ridge Mountains at the Chakana (four directions) sacred site.
Sun/Fire–connection at the Sun/fire sacred site. Hands-on group experience.
Earth–connection at the Pachamama sacred site. Hands-on group activity.
Individual and group exercises to remain centered energetically. Working with refined and heavy energies while creating harmonizing with the elements.
Water–connection at Mama Qocha Lake. Hands-on group activity.
Honoring the individual. Free time to wander and appreciate the multiple sacred sites at the Land Celebration.
Ceremony of connection with Mother Moon--Mama Killa–cosmic feminine element, receptivity, ayni/balance between masculine and feminine (receive and give light).
Day 2
Wind--connection at Wayra sanctuary. Wind, essential for life via breath; connection to mind, thoughts, teaching, and spirit. Wind instruments and chakra (ñawis) cleansing hands-on group activity.
A short Tinku journey of encounter with oneself at Apacheta sacred site.
Centering with Life source: Exercise where we connect with and honor our own higher selves at the Tree of Life sacred site. Hands-on group activity of centering and alignment.
Despacho Ceremony: A communal ceremony of harmonization, thanksgiving, and connecting with all that is.
Wrap-up and Close: Reinforce that a Native/Inka seed has now been planted in each person and it’s up to them to nurture it through ongoing practice.
Sacred fire ceremony - Farewell.